Friday, April 17, 2009

Hows that business model go?

So I stopped by the beer store, the place I get the fixins for beer. Here's what I need. "Sorry we don't have that." Excuse me the beer store doesn't have the ingredients to make beer? Basically you have a store with no inventory. OK how does that make money?


  1. Were they all sold out or are they just completely clueless? Could you use substitute other ingredients - like strawberries or bacon?

  2. Apparently the owners family business (construction) isn't doing so well. Bacon flavored beer I'd never leave the house.

    Fermented strawberries we're talking Boone's farm and Maidenform ROFLMAO.

  3. You know I have had the similar experience at the arbys in AJ, what does arbys sell? roast beef, what have the been out more than once?
    sorry we don't have any roast beef? would you like a chicken sammich?, look if i wanted chicken I would be next door at KFC

  4. Our Subway is quite often out of ham, tomatoes, and two or more of the flavors of bread. Usually the one you want the most.

    What kind of beer are you making?
